Fearless Queens
Tina Better and Sara Quiroz, two women dedicated to following Christ, are on a mission to promote kingdom truth. Through their captivating episodes, these queens aim to guide individuals towards a personal relationship with Christ, leading listeners to a life of faith and eternal salvation.
87 episodes
46: Faster Alone, Further Together
"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed." Ecclesiastes 4:9. The world tells us the complete opposite. The impact the body of Christ can make together is much greater and will ripple effect deeper than we can fa...
Episode 46

45: Time To Testimony: Interview with Stephen Willams - The Prodigal Son
God has a way of seeking out His children and bringing them back to Him. Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity udder the heavens." Stephen Williams, owner of The Panle Network, producer and ...
Episode 45

Like sharpening a pencil, it must go through a shaving process. The outside layer is being removed in order to get the tip of utensil to its greatest form. Once it is used, it must be sharpened again. God uses people to sharpen us. He uses our ...

43: It's Time to Die
"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1. Christ died so we could live an abundant life in Him. Abundance in God's Kingdom is way different than the abundance culture is shoving down our thr...
Episode 43

42: Meat & Milk
The Fearless Queens use the analogy a lot of meat & potatoes verses milk & sugar. This episode is a breakdown of what exactly meat is verse milk, pertaining to scripture. Hebrews 5:11-14 MSG says, "Milk is for beginners, inexperienced i...
Episode 42

41: Where is Your Faith?
The definition of faith is the firm belief even in the absence of proof. Each season of our lives will require a different level of faith. Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." W...
Episode 41

40: Word Of The Year
New Year, New You! I'm sure you have been hearing this since January 1st. For a few years now, Tina and Sara have sought the Lord in choosing a "word of the year" to continuously fall back on and shape their year around. A word they can go to, ...
Episode 40

39: What Are You Feeding?
We are all are born a slave to sin. But, through Jesus everyone has the opportunity to choose a new life. Saved from sin. Are you still feeding your flesh? Or are you intentionally choosing to feed your spirit more than your flesh? In this epis...

38: Where's Your Heart?
Happy Fearless Friday! In this latest episode, Tina and Sara discuss the posture of our hearts. Scripture tells us in Proverbs 27:19 MSG, "Just as water mirrors your face, so your face mirror your heart." The queens challenge us to take a look ...
Episode 38

37: The Best is Yet to Come
Happy New Year, Fearless Queens!! New year, same queens! We are excited to be up on video! Be sure to subscribe to our Youtube Channel!Our best days are ahead of us. 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 says, "What no eye has seen, nor ear hea...
Episode 37

36: Walk On Water
The Lord is calling His people to walk out on water with Him. Just like Jesus did with Peter, He is wanting to do with you too. Matthew 14:29. God wants to do more in your life than you could ever imagine in this lifetime! He is looking for obe...
Episode 36

35: It's Not About Y O U
In this week's episode, the Fearless Queens discuss how our lives are truly not about us at all. In the process of becoming who God knows us to be; we are being molded, pruned, stripped, and convicted. Why? In Jeremiah 17:9-10 it says that God ...
Episode 35

34: Putting on the ARMOR OF GOD
The Fearless Queens breakdown what and how to put on the full armor of God. Why do you need armor? What is it for? How do you put it on? This is an episode you so do not want to miss! "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his m...
Episode 34

33: the TRUTH
God makes no mistakes. You are made in the image of The Most High God. King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The truth is you are truly loved. This episode talks all about what God says about you. "All Scripture is God-breathed [given by divine insp...
Episode 33

32: Enjoy Where Your Two Feet Are Planted
Do you know that in this moment in time, you are EXACTLY where you are supposed to be? No matter how bad a situation or circumstance looks and/or feels - God is BIGGER than it all. He works everything out for good for those who love him. This e...
Episode 32

31: Grow Through What You Go Through
Tina and Sara say this all the time on the show, "If you're not growing, you're dying." It may sound cliché to you, but it is so incredibly true. This week's episode the Queens share so many people from the Bible that God used in the midst of t...
Episode 31

30: Health is Wealth
Tune in as the Fearless Queens talk all about stewarding this "vehicle" aka our bodies wisely. It's more than just your physical but also mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial. 1 Corinthians 6:19 tells us "Do you not know that yo...
Episode 30

Episode 29: Wisdom Isn't an Age Thing
This episode is for anyone and everyone of ALL ages. Whether you are 10, 78, 42 it doesn't matter. God wants to give you HIS wisdom. You can be 78 and a fool.. Wisdom does not fall into a category of age. The word of God says in 1 Timothy 4:12 ...
Episode 29

Episode 28: If He Can Do it For Me - He WILL Do It For You
This episode is a solo episode with Sara. God is for us, so who can be against us? Tune into this week's episode as Sara shares her story with you. Through the storms to get to the rainbows on the other side. She shares how God uses everything ...
Episode 28

Episode 27: Keep It Simple Sister
Being a follower of Jesus, being a christian, being a Jesus lover - simple. Not easy. Jesus tells us in Matthew 11:28-30, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I ...
Episode 27

Episode 26: Being The Bridge
In this episode, Tina & Sara discuss what it means to share an invisible God to a world that can't see him yet. Being the bridge connecting others from this world to Jesus. Have Questions?Connect with us on social! ...
Season 3
Episode 26

S3 | E25: Gift of Grace
It is by grace through faith we are forgiven. Receiving the grace of God means having undeserved favor from God. The favor is on your life. Jesus Christ died on the cross so you could live eternally with God forever. There is nothing as human b...
Season 3
Episode 25

S3 | E24: Thoughts Run Your Life
Have you ever stopped and thought about what you're thinking about? God's living word tells us to "take every thought captive to obey Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5. Our thoughts create our words and our words create our worlds. God, the creator o...
Season 3
Episode 24

A caterpillar does not have the same view of the world as a butterfly. The caterpillar has his belly to the pavement, crawls up trees, and has no wings. The butterfly though, has a bird's eye view of the world. Butterflies can still hit the gro...
Season 3
Episode 23

S3 | E22: Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?
* Sensitive Topics Discussed *In this episode, Tina and Sara dive straight into the heavy question of, "Why do bad things happen to good people" Jesus tells us in His word, "In the world you will have tribulation. But take hear...
Season 3
Episode 22